AfOx Scholarships from the Mastercard Foundation in the UK for 2023–2024 [Fully Funded]

AfOx Scholarships from the Mastercard Foundation in the UK for 2023–2024 [Fully Funded]


Do you want to study in the UK with a Mastercard AfOx Scholarship in 2023? The Mastercard Foundation Scholarship may be terminated. Yes, that's the answer. Details are provided below: 

Applications for the Mastercard Foundation AfOx Scholarships to study at the University of Oxford for the 2023 academic year are now being accepted from eligible African applicants. The Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program and the Africa Oxford Initiative are only two examples of the unique and comprehensive relationship between the University of Oxford and the Mastercard Foundation that includes this (AfOx).

Through the Partnership, which will fully fund their studies, 400 young African scholars will have the chance to finish taught master's degrees at the University of Oxford. The programs will deal with pandemic recovery and preparation.

See also: Fully funded 2023–2024 Erasmus Mundus Journalism Scholarship

Scholarships from Mastercard AfOx 2023 | Details 

Mastercard Foundation and the Africa Oxford Initiative are the sponsors of the scholarship.

Type of Scholarship: Full Funding

University of Oxford, United Kingdom

Scholarship Value: Unknown

Awards given: 400

Postgraduate level of study (Masters)

Continent: Africa

Mastercard Foundation AfOx Scholarships 2023–2024 | details

The Mastercard Foundation AfOx Scholarship program provides financial assistance to motivated, locally rooted, and globally minded young adults from Africa who wish to pursue graduate studies at Oxford University.

The cornerstone of the scholarship program is based on shared values of community, inclusivity, commitment, and collegiality between the Mastercard Foundation and AfOx. The Scholarship is a part of the wider AfOx Graduate Scholars Program, which aids African students in gaining access to Oxford opportunities and succeeding both at Oxford and beyond graduation. 

After completing their Master's degrees for their Ubuntu Period of Service, scholars will receive help to accept placements in top African-based organizations for 4-6 months. The researchers will work on projects in Africa while receiving guidance from leading scholars and practitioners on the continent, enabling them to develop routes toward establishing significant careers there.

See also: Some Advice on Applying for Commonwealth Scholarships

Criteria for Eligibility for Mastercard AfOx Scholarships

The following requirements must be met by applicants in order to be qualified for the Mastercard Foundation AfOx Scholarships 2023:

Must be an African student who plans to attend Oxford University for master's study in 2023.

Candidates must have earned a respectable bachelor's degree in the relevant field.

Candidates must demonstrate their competence in capabilities in academia and research.

Scholarship benefits according to Mastercard AfOx

total cost of tuition
living expenses

assistance with logistics, including a visa and an inexpensive flight.

Health Fee supplement for immigration

Compensation for settling

Use Thrive Fund for urgent situations.

See also: Fully Funded Weidenfeld Hoffmann Scholarships in the UK for 2023/2024.

Application Instructions for Foundation AfOx Scholarships 2023 - Fully Funded

Mastercard AfOx Application Procedures: By the deadline for their desired course of study, interested individuals should submit an application to the University of Oxford through the graduate admissions site, noting that they want to be considered for the Mastercard Foundation AfOx Scholarships 2023. 

The deadline for applications is not stated.

Visit the official website for further details.

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