European Engineering Scholarships in Engineering Student awards from the European

European Engineering Scholarships in Engineering Student awards from the European


For the academic year 2022–2023, applications are now being taken for the European University of the Atlantic Collaborations Scholarships for Engineering students from students who meet the necessary qualifications. View more here: Gordon from the University of Ottawa in Canada

About 20 new undergraduate computer engineering students will benefit from the engineering scholarships, which will provide them the chance to collaborate on real projects. Candidates for this award should submit their applications as soon as possible.

Sponsor of the scholarship is European University of the Atlantic in Spain.

One kind of scholarship is tuition assistance.

The host organization is European University of the Atlantic in Spain.

The scholarship completely covers the cost of tuition.

Twenty prizes were distributed. 

Students who are enrolled in this program are undergraduates.

Nationality of International Students

Financial aid for the European University of the Atlantic Collaboration | Qualifications

To be eligible for the Collaboration Scholarships, candidates must fulfill the requirements listed below:

To study undergraduate computer engineering, prospective students must submit an application to the European University of the Atlantic in Spain.

Candidates need to have excellent academic records.

The student has satisfied the entry requirements of the European University of the Atlantic because they possess one of the following: an Advanced Level Specific Vocational Training diploma or a Baccalaureate diploma the student has passed the University Entrance Exams, is in possession of a prior degree from a foreign educational system, or has completed other university coursework. Alternatively, the student may have met the access requirements by having a Baccalaureate or Advanced Level Specific Vocational Training diploma. Scholarships to Study at Vytautas Magnus University in Lithuania

steps for submitting an application to the atlantic collaboration university

How to Use: The following files should be emailed to or the European University of the Atlantic Scholarship Service by applicants for the European University of the Atlantic Collaboration Scholarships: 

Applications for scholarships are accessible online at or in person at the Students' Service and Scholarships department of the European University of the Atlantic.

You must have a copy of your passport or a valid driver's license.

a list of the courses you personally took to earn the degree. The academic record must include the average grade received; alternatively, it may list the grades received in each subject. View more here: OUTSTANDING Scholarships in the UK

The 15th of October is the application deadline.

How to Submit a Request for a European University of the Atlantic Collaboration Engineering Scholarship

Use the button below to apply on their official website if you're interested.


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